
Lynparza (olaparib) monotherapy in metastatic prostate cancer patients with BRCA mutations

LYNPARZA (olaparib) more than tripled median rPFS vs. NHA retreatment1

PROfound is a prospective, multicentre, randomised, open-label, Phase III trial testing the efficacy and safety of Lynparza (olaparib) versus enzalutamide or abiraterone in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) who have progressed on prior treatment with novel hormonal agents (NHAs) (abiraterone or enzalutamide) and have a qualifying tumour mutation in BRCA1/2.2

The trial was designed to analyse patients with HRR gene mutations in two cohorts: the primary endpoint was rPFS in those with mutations in BRCA1/2 or ATM genes and then, if Lynparza showed clinical benefit, a formal analysis was performed of the overall trial population of patients with HRR gene mutations (BRCA1/2, ATM, CDK12 and 11 other HRR gene mutations).2 Patients with ATM mutations were also randomised in Cohort A, but positive benefit-risk could not be demonstrated in this subpopulation of patients.1

Lynparza (olaparib) in metastatic prostate cancer

Lynparza (olaparib) is a PARP inhibitor approved in the EU in biomarker-selected advanced prostate cancer.1

The approval by the European Commission was based on a subgroup analysis of the PROfound Phase III trial which showed Lynparza demonstrated a substantial improvement in radiographic progression-free survival (rPFS) and overall survival (OS) versus enzalutamide or abiraterone in men with BRCA1/2 mutations.1,2

The subgroup analysis of mCRPC patients with BRCA1/2 mutations from the PROfound Phase III trial demonstrated that:

For disease progression (primary endpoint):

  • Lynparza (olaparib) reduced the risk of disease progression or death by 78% (HR: 0.22, 95% CI: 0.15-0.32, statistically significant, not controlled for multiplicity1).1
  • Lynparza (olaparib) improved the risk of disease progression to a median of 9.8 months versus 3.0 months with enzalutamide or abiraterone.1

For patient survival (secondary endpoint):

  • Lynparza (olaparib) reduced the risk of death by 37% (HR: 0.63, 95% CI: 0.42-0.95).1
  • Lynparza (olaparib) improved patient survival by median of 20.1 months versus 14.4 months with enzalutamide or abiraterone.1,2

Radiographic progression-free survival in BRCA-mutated patients1 (Primary endpoint)

Chart 1@2x.jpg

*The HR and CI were calculated using a Cox proportional hazards model that contains terms for treatment, factor and treatment by factor interaction.1 Adapted from LYNPARZA Summary of Product Characteristics.

Final overall survival in BRCA-mutated patients(Secondary endpoint)

Chart 2@2x.jpg

69% of the patients in the control arm in cohort A received Lynparza which could have lowered the difference in overall survival.3

*The HR and CI were calculated using a Cox proportional hazards model that contains terms for treatment, factor and treatment by factor interaction.1 Adapted from LYNPARZA Summary of Product Characteristics.

Safety profile**:

The most common side effects in the PROfound trial (greater than or equal to 20 % of patients) were anemia (46%), nausea (41%), fatigue or asthenia (41%), decreased apetite (30%) and diarrhea (21%). Grade 3 or higher adverse events were anemia (21%), fatigue or asthenia (3%), vomiting (2%), urinary tract infection (2%), dyspnea (2%), nausea (1%), decreased apetite (1%), back pain (<1%), diarrhea (<1%) and arthralgia (<1%).2

**safety data is from patients in cohort cohort A+B in the study (N=256), not only from the sub population with BRCA (refer to section PROFOUND study design and patient characteristics). Full safety information is available at


The primary results and overall survival results from the PROfound Phase III trial was published in The New England Journal of Medicine in 2020.1,4

PROfound study design and patient characteristic2

In this study:

  • 387 patients were randomized 2:1 to receive either Lynparza (olaparib) (300 mg [2 x 150 mg tablets] twice daily) or comparator.
  • In cohort A there were 245 patients (162 Lynparza and 83 comparator) and in cohort B there were 142 patients (94 Lynparza (olaparib) and 48 comparator).
  • Patients were stratified based on prior taxane treatment and evidence of measurable disease.
  • Treatment was given until disease progression.
  • Patients randomized to comparator were given the choice to switch to Lynparza (olaparib) upon confirmed radiological BICR progression.
  • Patients with BRCA1m, BRCA2m detected in the tumors were included on the basis of prospective central testing, with the exception of 3 patients who were included using local test results.
    • Of the 160 patients with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation in PROfound, 114 patients were tested retrospectively to confirm whether the identified BRCA1/2 mutation was germline or somatic origin.
      • Of these patients, 63 germline BRCA1/2 mutations were identified with blood tests, and thus proven to be of germline origin.
      • The remaining 51 patients had not a tumor-detected BRCA1/2 mutation identified in the kimbane blood test, and BRCA1/2-the mutations were thus proven to be of somatic origin.
    • For the remaining 46 patients, somatic or germ line origin is unknown.1,2


Demographic and baseline characteristics were generally well balanced between olaparib and the comparator treatment arms in patients with BRCA1/2 mutations. The median age was 68 years and 67 years in the olaparib and comparator treatment arms, respectively. Previously treatment in the olaparib arm was 71% taxane, 41% enzalutamide, 37% abiraterone acetate and 20% both enzalutamide and abiraterone acetate. Prior treatment in the comparator arm was 60% taxane, 50% enzalutamide, 36% abiraterone acetate and 14% both enzalutamide and abiraterone acetate. Fifty-eight percent (58%) of patients in the olaparib arm and 55% in the comparator arm had measurable disease at the start of the study. The proportion of patients with metastases in the skeleton, lymph nodes, airways and liver were 89%, 62%, 23% and 12%, respectively in the olaparib arm and 86%, 71%, 16% and 17% respectively in the comparator arm. The majority of the patients in both treatment arms had an ECOG of 0 or 1 (93%). Baseline pain score (BPI-SF worst pain) was 0 - < 2 (52%), 2 - 3 (10%) or > 3 (34%) in the olaparib arm and 0 - < 2 (45%), 2 - 3 (7%) or > 3 (45%) in the comparator arm. Median baseline-PSA was 57.48 microg/l in the olaparib arm and 103.95 microg/l in the comparator arm.The primary endpoint of the study was radiological progression-free survival (rPFS) in the cohort A determined by BICR using RECIST 1.1 (soft tissue) and the "Prostate Cancer Working Group” (PCWG3) (skeleton). Key secondary endpoints included confirmed objectiveresponse rate (ORR) at BICR, rPFS at BICR, time to pain progression (TTPP) and totalsurvival (OS).1,2


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Lynparza© (olaparib)

Antineoplastiska läkemedel, övriga antineoplastiska läkemedel, PARP-hämmare.
ATC-kod: L01XK01 Filmdragerade tabletter 100 och 150 mg. Rx.

Filmdragerade tabletter 100 och 150 mg.



1) Lynparza tabletter är indicerade som monoterapi för underhållsbehandling av vuxna patienter med avancerad (FIGO stadie III och IV) BRCA1/2-muterad (nedärvd och/eller somatisk) höggradig epitelial ovarial-, tubar- eller primär peritonealcancer som är i respons (komplett eller partiell) efter avslutad första linjens platinumbaserad cytostatikabehandling.

(F) = ingår i förmånen med begränsning, subventioneras vid ovanstående indikation.


2) Lynparza tabletter i kombination med bevacizumab är indicerade som underhållsbehandling av vuxna patienter med avancerad (FIGO stadie III och IV) höggradig epitelial ovarial-, tubar- eller primär peritonealcancer som är i respons (komplett eller partiell) efter avslutad första linjens platinumbaserad cytostatikabehandling i kombination med bevacizumab och vars cancer är associerad med en positiv status för defekt homolog rekombination (HRD) som definieras antingen av en BRCA1/2-mutation och/eller genomisk instabilitet.

(F) = ingår i förmånen med begränsning, subventioneras vid ovanstående indikation.


3) Lynparza tabletter är indicerade som monoterapi för underhållsbehandling av vuxna patienter med platinumkänslig recidiverande höggradig epitelial ovarial-, tubar- eller primär peritonealcancer och som är i respons (komplett eller partiell) efter platinumbaserad cytostatikabehandling.

EF = Ingår inte i förmånen.



1) Lynparza tabletter är indicerade som monoterapi för behandling av vuxna patienter med medfödd BRCA1/2‑mutation som har HER2‑negativ lokalt avancerad eller metastaserad bröstcancer. Patienter ska tidigare ha behandlats med en antracyklin och en taxan som (neo)adjuvant behandling eller som behandling för metastaserad sjukdom, såvida inte patienterna var olämpliga för dessa behandlingar. Patienter med hormonreceptor (HR)‑positiv bröstcancer ska också ha progredierat under eller efter tidigare endokrin behandling eller anses olämpliga för endokrin behandling.

EF = Ingår inte i förmånen.


2) Lynparza tabletter är indicerade som monoterapi eller i kombination med endokrin terapi som adjuvant behandling av vuxna patienter med nedärvd BRCA1/2-mutation som har HER2-negativ tidig bröstcancer med hög risk som tidigare behandlats med neoadjuvant eller adjuvant kemoterapi.

EF = Ingår inte i förmånen.


Adenokarcinom i pankreas:

Lynparza tabletter är indicerade som monoterapi för underhållsbehandling av vuxna patienter med nedärvda BRCA1/2‑mutationer som har metastaserande adenokarcinom i pankreas och som inte har progredierat efter minst 16 veckors platinumbehandling inom en första linjens cytostatikaregim.

EF = Ingår inte i förmånen.



1) Lynparza tabletter är indicerade som monoterapi för behandling av vuxna patienter med metastaserande kastrationsresistent prostatacancer och BRCA1/2-mutationer (nedärvd och eller somatisk) som har progredierat efter tidigare behandling som inkluderade typen nya hormonella läkemedel.

(F) = Ingår i förmånen med begränsning, subventioneras vid ovanstående indikation och där behandling med docetaxel, kabazitaxel och radium-223 gett otillräcklig effekt eller inte är lämplig


2) Lynparza tabletter i kombination med abirateron och prednison eller prednisolon för behandling av vuxna patienter med mCRPC hos vilka kemoterapi inte är kliniskt indicerad

EF = Ingår inte i förmånen.



Dosering: Behandling med Lynparza ska initieras och övervakas av läkare med erfarenhet av cancerläkemedel.

Kontraindikationer: Överkänslighet mot den aktiva substansen eller mot något hjälpämne. Amning under behandlingen och 1 månad efter den sista dosen.



Varningar och försiktighet:

Lynparza får inte användas under graviditet.

Hematologisk toxicitet: Provtagning vid initiering av behandlingen och därefter månatliga kontroller av fullständig blodstatus rekommenderas under de första 12 behandlingsmånaderna och därefter med jämna mellanrum. Om en patient får allvarlig hematologisk toxicitet eller är beroende av blodtransfusioner, ska behandlingen med Lynparza avbrytas och lämpliga blodtester göras.


Myelodysplastiskt syndrom/akut myeloisk leukemi: Om MDS/AML misstänks ska patienten remitteras till en hematolog för vidare utredning, inklusive benmärgsanalys och blodprovtagning för cytogenetik. Om MDS/AML bekräftas efter utredning avseende långvarig hematologisk toxicitet ska Lynparza sättas ut och patienten ska erhålla lämplig behandling.


Senaste översyn av Produktresumén: 2023-03-30

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AstraZeneca AB, 151 85 Södertälje tel: 08 – 553 260 00.



AstraZeneca och MSD är i en allians för att
utveckla och marknadsföra Lynparza.

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  1. Produktresume för Lynparza (olaparib),

  2. de Bono J, Mateo J, Fizazi K, et al. Olaparib for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. N Engl J Med. 2020;382(22):2091–2102.

  3. Evans E, Hawkins N, Dequen-O' Bryne P, et al. Exploring the Impact of Treatment Switching on Overall Survival from the PROfound Study in Homologous Recombination Repair (HRR)-Mutated Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC). Target Oncology. 2021;16(5):613-623.

  4. Hussain M, Mateo J, Fizazi K, et al. Survival with olaparib in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. N Engl J Med. 2020;383:2345–2357.

  5. de Bono J, Fizazi K, Saad F, et al. Central, prospective detection of homologous recombination repair gene mutations (HRRm) in tumour tissue from >4000 men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) screened for the PROfound study. Ann Oncol. 2019;30(5):V328-V329.

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  8. Na R, Zheng SL, Han M, et al. Germline mutations in ATM and BRCA1/2 distinguish risk for lethal and indolent prostate cancer and are associated with early age at death. Eur Urol. 2017; 71(5):740–747.

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  13. Cheng HH, Sokolova AO, Schaeffer EM, et al. Germline and somatic mutations in prostate cancer for the clinician. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2019;17(5):515–521.

  14. Neviere, Z.; Coquan, E.; Brachet, P.-E.; et al. Outcomes of Patients with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer According to Somatic Damage DNA Repair Gene Alterations. Curr. Oncol. 2022, 29, 2776–2791.

  15. Ravindran K, Puey LC, Edmund C, et al. An approach to genetic testing in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer in Singapore. Annals Academy of Medicine, Singapore. 2023; 52(3):135-148.

  16. Rodney J.S, Anurag M, Gabriel S.M, et al. Genetic testing for homologous recombination repari (HRR) in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) challenges and solutions. Oncotarget. 2021;12(16):1600-1614.

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